In the first game St. Patzer tries to get me with a cheapshot.
black to move
Then Josh plays a pretty strong opening, but goofs up a bit and lets me run his girl ragged while I develop.
White to Move
Big thanks for the games guys, and remember if you want to play me either live on FICS or on post here.
I think in tribute to me you should come over to and play me, and then I'll go back over to redhotpawn and play you, etc. etc. :)
I got greedy in that game and went pawn grabbing, boohoo... greed kills.
Satish Talim would probably play you too at redhot, I'm 0-3 against him so he'd probably give you a better fight.
Bah... I will see about setting up an account tomorrow or something. Course we could just play at Redhotpawn again, since we both already have accounts there and it loads faster like you said.
Cheap shot ? Cheap Shot !!
Dude thats tactics !. Actually it was to my mind the most overtly tactical game i ever played. I enjoyed it thoroughly ... MLDM was written all over it. Piad for in 7 Circles Sweat ... not cheap.
Hehe :P It was well played St. Keep up the good work.
It's because I'm a subscriber at chessworld and have no games going on redhotpawn and have to go out of my way to play you.
This way only every other game is "away" for each of us and therefore more fair.
But if for some reason you can't do this then no worries.
Well Josh, I signed up, it says you invited me to a game ... which I found interesting since I had only been signed up for 20 seconds... unfortuantely I can't find a board to play a game on, nor can I start a game with you because Im a guest member.
Its a pretty confusing site so far.
I didn't invite you to a game yet (at least I don't think so). And for some reason you have invite to a game turned off, click on "my stuff" and then "my email" and check the box for "you DO want to recieve game invitations" and I will invite you.
Ahh I had ticked off that stuff because I don't want emails about it.
That would be the "turn chess move email on" towards the top of that page. Uncheck that one.
The game invitations come through's message system. (I think, very rarely do I get those)
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