
Jackman Maine, Beer Chess Capital of the Universe?

I tripped across this Maine/Chess connection which could lead to some seriously bad chess... but may explain the Toilet Gate fiasco on the world chess scene recently. I can see this game increasing liver transplants among the chess playing populous, however I've heard the amount of pre-arranged draws and unfought draws is significantly reduced.

I can certainly understand how this game was invented in Maine. What else are you going to do around here when its 10 below zero and snowing. If it was invented anywhere else on the planet I'm sure at least the quality of beers used would be better.


Anonymous said...

Great Blog! I'd like to chat. I'm webmaster for ChessMaine.net. I just discovered your site. Do you go to the Waterville Club?

Dan DeLuca

Jeff said...

I have in the past Dan. I haven't been for a few months though. I will send an Email to info@chessmaine.net when I get back to my home machine so you can email me.

Blue Devil Knight said...

Who has to drink after a capture? The capturer or the captured player? I guess in most beer games if you lose you drink. This could have a dangerous positive-feedback loop: you are bad, you lose material, you drink more, and you get worse. Must be fun!

Jeff said...


I tried to email you at info@chessmaine.net and it was returned both times undeliverable. You can email me at

jj1991 AT adelphia DOT net

or post a valid email address here for me to send you an email to.

chess addict said...

Hi! great site..I have my blog too..
