White to move in the above position. I just wanted to share my erroneous thought pattern.
I can see that b4 is attacked by the b1 Rook if I clear the b3 Bishop. I also see that the b3 Bishop is able to give check. A move earlier I realize then that black cannot capture the b4 pawn with the Queen.
Somehow in my convoluted mind this gets twisted into thinking I can capture b4
with my Queen and when recapture Qxb4 I will
win the Queen with Bxf7+ .... Rxb4. Failing to realize that I'm in fact giving up a Queen and a Bishop in order to capture only my opponent's Queen. This type of error is one that often finds me on the down side of the tactical equation and I've given up several points from solid "positions" due to tactical blunders like this.
Elimination of them is not so easy as recognizing a pattern of behavior though.
As diagrammed with
Steve Eddin's Chess Diagram from FEN script.