
Think Tactics Training Might Help Me?

Its black (me) to move....
Chess Diagram of FEN position 2kr2r1/pp1b1p2/2n1p3/qN6/2B1Q3/8/PPPR1PPP/2K4R

So naturally I play 15 .. Nb4
And we end up with... TADA.. Mate in 1.

Chess Diagram of FEN position 2kr2r1/pp1b1p2/3Np3/q7/1nB1Q3/8/PPPR1PPP/2K4R

Carry on!


Anonymous said...

What happens with king up? Qxp isn't mate then, is it?

Anonymous said...

Yep...it is mate. knight is held by the rook...

Jeff said...

Pretty much thats it.
The move before I had somehow thought I could get out of check and put the bishop on c6 at the same time. Oh well, I never claimed to be "good" at chess. LOL