
CTS Problem of the Day from Google

I've had the CTS applet on my iGoogle homepage for a while now. Just sign into Google, click iGoogle, and Create a Tab called "Chess". Let it autopopulate with cool chess tidbits.

Its an easy way to add 3 chess problems to your daily activities. So I thought I would tell everyone else about it, in case they didn't know and show you a sample problem. And iGoogle is also an easy way to keep up with your favorite blogs.


VA Tech Chess Player is Hero

I don't want to comment to heavily on the VA Tech Shootings. I am disgusted by just about everything to do with it, from the acts of violence themselves, to the political and media reactions.

I do want to recognize the USCF's handling of Derek O'Dell's heroism; it was an admirable move on their part. Way to go!

Washington Times Article